Monday, April 18, 2011

Blog Banner

I finally made my own banner for this blog, as you can see above. Here's the original way I designed it:

And here's what it looks like after I adjusted it to fit better up top:

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Figure Drawing Improvement!

I took an advanced figure drawing class from one of my favorite teachers (Za Vue) during my last quarter of school, which ended only a few weeks ago. She is an amazing artist and taught me a lot about figure drawing. She started back at the very basics and rebuilt what we all knew about figure drawing from there. It was one of the best classes I've ever taken, mainly because I became a much better and more confident traditional artist. Here are some of the drawings I got from that class:

Drawings from my sketchbook

1 or 2 minute gestures

5 minute poses

10 minute poses

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Chainsaw vs. Super Hipster Part 2

Here's the clean up drawing I did by hand:

And here it is colored in Photoshop CS5:

And here's a black and white version just because I think it looks cool:

Monday, April 11, 2011

Chainsaw vs. Super Hipster

My animation friends and I had a Superhero/Supervillain themed party a few days ago. I was given a superhero name by my buddy, Dan Koss, a couple years ago: Chainsaw. I'm guessing it's because of my loud and forceful nature....but I'm only guessing. One of my other friends,Norman, dressed as a Super Hipster. So, I drew the most likely interaction that would occur between Chainsaw and a Super Hipster:

This is also how I was feeling this morning.

I want to clean it up by hand and then color it....soon.